Well, the final exam is already started and it is the signal of the end of this semester...This mean i got another semester to go..before i leave my beloved university...UTP...
Its the time where the caffeine consumption is in the maximum level...Its keep me stay for the night for the whole study and exam weeks...
Well, how many i take...this is a part of it..For 3 days..hmm...Might be a more than 50 cans for this month...
Wei bro, lu dah addict ker ngan nescafe nie..jgn minum byk2...kena kencing manis nanti..hehe..
Aper2 pon..gambar2 lu mmg smart..nanti cuti kiter photoshoot skali jom..aku baru jer dapat d70 dari abang aku...baru cuber2 jer..ko ajar ler aku nanti..hehe
2 Responses to “It's Exam Weeks...”
Wei bro, lu dah addict ker ngan nescafe nie..jgn minum byk2...kena kencing manis nanti..hehe..
Aper2 pon..gambar2 lu mmg smart..nanti cuti kiter photoshoot skali jom..aku baru jer dapat d70 dari abang aku...baru cuber2 jer..ko ajar ler aku nanti..hehe
haha..nie kurang gula kot..btul gak cakap ko..bahaya gak minum byk2..xper2..lps exam nanti aku minum air masak plak..bagi clear balik..hehe..
tq wei..waa..sudah dapat d70 ka..bule la dtg rumah aku..kiter operate ko punyer d70 bagi jadik d300...hahaha
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